Walking to mark one’s determination…

was the peak of non-violent struggles, but Gandhi’s strict fasts – in order to be stronger during non-violent struggles for freedom, and more resistant in his claims for justice by purifying oneself, could inspire us for 2019 a very important year for the European Union?

Our Europe needs to be revived, through our resilient support for social justice and equality, for more environmental concern, for more sense of brotherhood, for a better defense of human rights and liberties. With all the challenges we face on a global scale in the early 21st century, here is our French initiative, European vocation, hoping to raise consciousness worldwide – in order to give hope to all those who suffer everywhere, and give a better future to all the children all over the planet !

“Be the change you want to see in the World”

Gandhi used to say…

What if each of us started to do this symbolic and powerful action: to deprive ourselves something for a day, so that we could collect in it the strengths of sharing and exemplarity, and spiritual or philosophical forces of authenticity & humanity? Atheists, agnostics, or believers, let’s try our interconvictional fasting ?
Also, 112 *** signatories invite volunteer fasting, during 24 hours to the water or other forms of fasts (cigarettes, alcohol, addictions …) whatever their religious or philosophical convictions, first of all at seven first symbolic dates until the European elections, remaining free to choose one or more day (s) according to their possibilities …

Each will be able to complete his action by donating the cost of meals (or other) not consumed by paying it to one of the recommended donations which will be either local (EU) or more international (non-EU).

French, European and international personalities and citizens
will support the project as and when
and let him discover little by little, first until the elections of May 26,
then then in the year 2019 in 7 new fasting proposals !

*** NB- 112 as the emergency number everywhere in the European Community
( in addition to national numbers)
News: Gandhi’s 150th birthday

News: Gandhi’s 150th birthday

Let us commemorate this great apostle of Nonviolence: Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar (Gujurat). To celebrate this event, a big World March “JaiJagat 2020” will leave this Wednesday in Delhi, and will arrive at the end of September in Geneva. Info site: https://www.jaijagat2020.org/ We invite you to join the various existing events today in some European cities, including Lyon and Geneva. Other Europeans far removed from these events will still be able to celebrate Mahatma’s 150th anniversary with a thought, a symbolic gesture, a prayer, or even a fast with the continuation of our initiative “European Fast, whose godmother is his granddaughter Ela Gandhi (See 1st video below) …. Several possibilities: Fasting 24h with water, Fasting Smartphone, Fasting cigarettes, Fasting of gambling or videos, Fasting of series, Fasting of alcohol, etc. .. Those who wish can also donate their savings made at the March Jai Jagat (soon more clarification to conclude this approach) Happy celebration everyone with Gandhi 🙂

from our video
“Our life is a long and painful quest for Truth.” Gandhi would certainly return to London on Saturday, October 18th, to march with the anti-Brexit protesters after a victory due to an avalanche of targeted fakenews and bus tours with proven lies since 2016. #Resistance #NewReferendum 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺

News for Friday, October 18th: Let’s fast15 days before All Saints’ Day, on this day of parliamentary bargaining in Great Britain. Let’s fight against a Brexit on Halloween this 31st of October. Let’s keep our Europe at 28 countries this Friday, November 1, 2019!

Excerpt from the Facebook video for Friday, October 18th fasting https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=690352881456961
In the city, as in the countryside, they want a second referendum. All pro-Europeans must help them without delay !!! 😍🇪🇺⏳
Information updated on 23 October…
Watch our 2 minute 56 second video clip:
http:// https://youtu.be/788TRiJfqFM

News for Wednesday December 18:
Fast on this International Migrants Day https://www.un.org/fr/events/migrantsday/
We can, if you wish, transfer your savings of the day to this friendly association: the Auberge des migrants: https://www.laubergedesmigrants.fr/fr/accueil/

Ela Gandhi

Marius Briand

benjamin joyeux

Samuel Grsywoski

Samuel Grsywoski

Michel Lafouasse

Olivier de Shutter

Edouard Gaudot

Rachel Lamy

Gordon Oliver

Jeûne interconventionnel