The first signatory, the godmother of our initiative in a few ways,
is Mrs Ela Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatama, living in Durban, South Africa
You can see his video post March 12, date from the 89th anniversary of the beginning of the famous salt march of 1930 !
Our French, European signatories, supported by some internationals,
come support the project as and when! First, 56 first signatories arrive, little by little, until the elections of May 26, 2019! Some are engaged more particularly on one of the seven dates of fasts! They leave you, sometimes, their written messages and / or videos!
Jean-Marie Muller, French philosopher, specialist in Gandhi and non-violence. He is Director of Studies at the Institute for Research on Nonviolent Conflict Resolution. International Award of the Jamnalal Bajaj Indian Foundation for Promoting Gandhian Value
François Marchand – French activist of Non-violence
Benjamin Joyeux (for 6 April) Independent journalist and environmental lawyer, alterglobalist ecologist. European coordinator of the Jai Jagat 2020 campaign, Delhi-Geneva march for peace and social justice… (video released)
Alain Dangoisse (for May 22) Professor at the University of Louvain (Belgium) and one of the co-organizers of the 2020 Brussels-Geneva walk as part of the Jai Jagat event (video on Tuesday, May 21)
Jacques Vellut, former head of several Belgian NGOs, “in love” with India, he has been supporting Rajagopal’s activities for the marginalized populations of India for 34 years.
Mr Oliver Gordon, former Mayor of Cape Town under apartheid (For May 10th) ***
Mrs Berry Behr from Interreligious Cape Town Group (For May 10th) ***
NB *** they will resume our initiative of fasting before their own elections !!! The video of Berry Behr, with their two supporters from Cape Town, is here on our channel European fast 112
Olivier de Schutter (for April 22) Belgian lawyer and professor of international law at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). Between 2008 and 2014, he assumed the mandate of Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
(Watch her video online here)
Françoise Keller Certified Coach and Trainer in Nonviolent Communication and Governance Park Governance (Sociocracy) (video on line)
Guy Aurenche, French lawyer, human rights activist, Honorary President of the International Federation for the Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture (FIACAT) and former President of the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for the CCFD-Terre Solidaire, lecturer and author of numerous books, including the latter in 2018: Human Rights: Let’s not forget our common ideal!
(for May 22 :video coming soon)
Rocco Altieri President of the Gandhi Center, Italy, Non-Violence Association Onlus
Organizer May 22nd of a Fast in Pisa Place des Martyrs (Video soon / article of press 🙂
Gérard Testard, president of EFESIA, member of the orientation committee of Ensemble for Europe and moderator Francehttp://
Giovanni Sarubbi (for May 22) editor of the “Satyagraha” magazine of the “Gandhi Center” in Pisa since 2014. Active member of the Italian section of Amnesty International
Edouard Gaudot (for April 22) Co-founder of Citoyens Solutions
Carmine Maturo (for May 22) co-spokeswoman for the Green Movement for Green Italy, joins the European fast on May 22 for biodiversity!
Valérie Maurer (for May 22) Sophrologist accompanying fasting stays and hiking
Umberto Mugnaini, President of Sciences for Peace (Pisa-Italy)
Christian Delorme, (for May 16) “The priest of the Minguettes” Co-initiator of the “Marche des beurs” in 1983. March for equality and against racism. Marked since his adolescence by Martin’s examples of Luther King and Gandhi, he made many fast in the 80s. For more than 30 years, he is one of the French specialists in inter-convective dialogue. q5oSHq_mGGOiL7aKa0VcCIYDXBFNe4AfAshNY
Peggy, Zahir and Elodie from the association “Trait d’union”,
to live together and secularism in the French island of Reunion
(for May 16th).( the video from Reunion is on line)
Cristina Broseghini President of the Center for Peace Studies, Onlus of Demonte (Cuneo) (Italy)
Michel Lafouasse (for April 22) retired retired driver. He had an aeronautical career as a Flight Attendant on the long-haul flights of the company UTA then airt-France. For two decades, she has been an active member of the Nonviolence Commission of Pax Christi France. Author in 2012 of “” Christians in Nonviolent Revolutions “at Mediaspaul and” Unmasking Violence (Biblical Inquiry – How to Avoid Chaos) “at Harmatan Online Video Saturday, April 20.
Marielle Colombe, Evelyne Lamiable, André Harreau, Jean-Pierre Rougeot, members of the Non-Violence Commission Pax Christi France,
Mr. Xavier Péron and his friend Maasaï Sekerot Olempetti (for May 16)Xavier is an anthropologist, writer, speaker, coach and expert of the first peoples especially Maasaï …(Their video is scheduled for May 14 for publication on our channel European Fast 112)
Franco Lo Vecchio co-founder of the Italian association “Gandhi – Mr. L. King – B. Khan”
Rachel Lamy, special educator, citizen of the world who goes to meet the gardeners of peace
Pierrick Orain, French social worker, humanitarian volunteer in Bangladesh (video coming soon)
Martine Léger (for May 22) Energéticienne (video coming soon)éger-Énergéticienne-346877542324631/
Patrizia Panarello (for May 22), professor of pedagogy at the University of Messina (Italy)
Oliva Russo, Margherita Morsillo, Paola Alforno, Italian activists
Tinah Drevet (for May 10th) (video Gospel coming soon) Choirmaster, professor of vocal technique, Director, at Expression Choral
Lucilla Sebastiani-Lombard, actress who supports a cultural Europe by taking care to always serve through the living show the exchange betweenpeoples.
Frédéric Vanpoulle, a biodynamic Breton arborist, already fasting for climate, peace and brotherhood from 6 to 16 March, in support of youth climate strikes–_x5kd8Eo
Josette Gazzaniga, Franciscan activist for Interreligious Dialogue and Nonviolence
Claudio Fantozzi, Italian poet and playwright
Parveen Sabrina Khan Young Indo-Breton musician (video coming soon) (video coming soon)
Lucas Günzel (for May 16th) German singer-songwriter musician (video coming soon)
Joseph Gotte, (for May 16) Young Christian labeled “Generation Z”, son of a couple of pastors, graphic designer and advertising training, involved in associations such as UNICEF, he is now a student in entrepreneurship and highly followed blogger. http://
Marc Stenger (for March 29) Bishop of Troyes – President of Pax Christi France, Catholic Movement for Peace, created in 1945 for reconciliation by French and German Catholics since early July 2019: new co-president of Pax Christi International, with headquarters in Brussels
Samuel Grzybowski (for April 4) Founder of the Coexister Movement (video released) He now chairs the Coexister Europe movement and has published “Radical Brotherhood”, Editions Les Arènes… The Samuel Video in French is not subtitled but Samuel has also relayed in English version to see here:
Jean Joncheray, Priest, Theologian, Interreligious Dialogue,
former Vice-Rector of the Catholic University of Paris
Radia Bakkouch (for May 16) President and Coexister members
Maureen Hascoet, French filmmaker based in the United Kingdom, grand-niece of the resistant Marius Briant Young resistant teacher beheaded in Berlin on March 29th, 1944 at the age of 22 only !
« I want to hope that our bloodshed will not fall on anyone but will be a fertile seed of understanding end forgiveness » Marius Briant (video released) Maureen will make a documentary about her great uncle http:// fbclid=IwAR2aDsYNxUiY1JRapFRVPq6iCK2YttzyG7vkhWdYMRnFZ87-VOL_eUetoaY
Chantal Clénet, José Cocaign, Monique Batard, Vincent Cazals,
members and friends Peace on the move
Gilles Changeon (for March 29th) Founder in 2008 of the Association la paix en marche (video released)
and first initiator of this process of European Fasting
Marius Briant’s great cousin-
In a French expression, we say: “Paris was not done in a day!”
The European Community of 28 no longer !!!
We are halfway to our first major action “European Fast”,
56 other signatories and other symbolic dates after the elections will be gradually!
etc… ( to come up !)